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Art to Heal

Art to Heal

Gail believes in the power of art to heal.

She works with hospital patients, senior citizens, and the broader community where art serves as a tool for healing.

Sand Art with Medical Imagery

Creating artworks with medical- related themes is used as way to familiarize young patients with upcoming diagnostic tests, procedures and treatments. This experience in creating the artworks is fun, educational, and helps to relieve anxiety.

Not only is Gail an amazing artist but she is so devoted to the patients at the hospital, always so attentive making sure everyone’s art piece was completed and perfect. She inspired me, motivated me and gave me the self-confidence that when I graduated from high school I enrolled in graphic design at Eastern University. I graduated in 2019! Gail was the sunshine️ on some of the darkest days of my life, we are best friends/family forever.


Former patient at the hospital, and forever friend

Step Up To Asthma event

Everyone likes their gym shoes, and sneakers became the theme of this Asthma Clinic workshop. The words "Step Up” refer to the importance of taking personal responsibility for one's own asthma care. The imagery includes gym shoes climbing stairs along with symbols that promote healthy living including exercise, the food pyramid, asthma care (use of inhalers and epi-pens), and statements reminding patients of how to control their asthma. Each patient also had the opportunity to create a personal gym shoe sand-art to take home.

The design was executed with 8 inch x 10 inch puzzle pieces, and worked on over 3 month period, during appointment intervals.

Working bedside and in the hospital studio with young patients

Gail works at Children's Hospital of Michigan to help kids create personalized t-shirts, pillowcases and sand-arts with their favorite characters. Patients are seen wearing their art as they leave the hospital, and often when they return for follow up treatments.

The images below shows patients showing off the t-shirts they designed and painted with Gail's help.

From the day I met you, I knew something great was going to happen. You came to my life like a ray of sunshine. It was me you chose to lift to greatness. I am wishing you a shower of happiness for all of the smiles you put on people’s faces.


Age 8, a patient who worked with Gail when at the hospital.

Working with Senior Citizens

Residents from the Coville Senior Apartment center were involved in creating art for the walls of their communal living space. Installation: 2013

National Elder Abuse Awareness Sand Art Installation, 2016

June 15th is celebrated annually in the United States as National Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

In recognition of this annual event, a consortium of senior residents gathered at the famous Belle Isle Casino to attend lectures on abuse prevention. An art workshop was held on-site where the seniors all participated in creating this beautiful Butterfly Community Installation which is now on permanent exhibition in the Casino. In addition, over 300 seniors created their own personal butterflies to take home from the event.

Installation: 36 inches (h) x48 inches (w)

Cancer Thriver Support Group, 2016

Images of nature and the seven species frame this image commemorating the founder of the Cancer Thriver Support Group.

Size: 48 inches (w) by 42 inches (h)

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